Friday, April 18, 2008

What a tiring day.....

Today is a tiring day haiz..... today LAN presentation sucks........untill 7:30pm!!!!! what the.......hmmm tomorrow still got exam deng no energy to study liao lo...... ha i think this become a secret place to let me scold all thing hahaha hope no ppl will find out.......... well today presentation i get 25 marks then i need 8 more marks to pass my LAN malaysian study then no more history for me le hahahaha so nice so i better pass this semester............. welll may be this blog can become my diary... may be dont know wether i can maake it or not... i hope i can hahaha:P anyhow we have done all this acessment le now the only final thing just start tomorrow....FINAL EXAM..... tomorrow i just started my first subject but some of my friend almost fnish thiers final le T.T
Haiz.... what else now Kambateh